Purpose: to determine the costs for fulfilling the state task on efficient and safe operation of reclamation systems, agricultural water supply facilities and hydraulic structures of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Materials and methods: the research was carried out at the facilities of the state budgetary institution “Department for Land Reclamation and Agricultural Water Supply of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)”. The calculation of standard costs was made using the method of initial cost standards based on local estimates. Results. This work takes into account the standard costs attributed to the provision of public services (work performance), for general needs and for the maintenance of property. The basic standard costs for service, maintenance of the reclamation systems in good working order in 2021 amounted to 6.5 thousand rubles/ha, for agricultural water supply facilities – 1677.7 thousand rubles/unit, to determine the needs and to participate in water resources distribution (group water pipelines) – 25348.1 thousand rubles/million m³. Conclusion. The given calculation method can be used to calculate the financing for the fulfillment of a state task, it will make it possible to make economically justified calculations of the costs of public services deliveries for the efficient and safe operation of reclamation systems, agricultural water supply facilities and group water pipelines of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and, as a result, to ensure the improvement of the organization labor, improving production performance.
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