Remote teaching gained strength because of the Covid-19 pandemic and the experience of its use expanded from the training and monitoring of teachers and students regarding the use of virtual tools, culminating in the need to readapt teaching strategies. The objective of this research was to present a literature review on inclusive education in distance learning, highlighting the main methodologies used and the main difficulties encountered when carrying out inclusive education in distance learning. The search was carried out in the Google Scholar, Redalyc and Scielo databases, using the terms "remote teaching", "special education", "inclusive education" and "distance education" as descriptors. Adopting a Boolean “AND” to search for articles. Considering the period from January 2017 to 2023, in total, 15 articles were used. To analyze the selected articles, the content analysis model was used using the clipping method. Inclusive education is a global movement supported by the principles of human rights and citizenship. The movement on inclusive education gained strength in the early 1990s, based on principles of equal rights postulated in the Jomtien Declaration (1990) and the Salamanca Declaration (1994). The target audience for special education students participate in this teaching modality, that is, those with disabilities (visual, hearing, physical and intellectual), with global developmental disorders and with high abilities or giftedness. Digital technologies have proven to be an important tool for inclusive education, the use of screen readers is a clear example of this, as are activities linked to digital games. At the other extreme, the main difficulties come down to the lack of preparation of students and teachers, as well as poor infrastructure to work in inclusive education in distance learning.
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