The strategy for the development of inclusive educationsets new requirements for the teacher of the NewUkrainian School. He must determine the priorityeducational, correctional tasks, directions of theirimplementation; to develop an individual correctioncompensatorydevelopment program for each child,taking into account nosologies; to modify curricula,program material, methods, forms of education andupbringing for the individual educational needs ofchildren; to orientate on the cognitive abilities of eachchild; to develop diverse methods and means topromote the general development of children; to createconditions for adaptation of children with peculiaritiesof psychophysical development and healthy children,acquisition of social skills. The realization of thisstrategic goal depends on the training of the futureteacher of the New Ukrainian School for theperformance of their professional duties.In the article the authors substantiated and developeda model for forming the inclusive readiness of futureteachers of the New Ukrainian School in the process ofprofessional training. The set of motivational, cognitive,activity components is determined. The criteria forassessing the level of formation of readiness for workin the inclusive classes of the New Ukrainian Schoolare described; three levels of readiness for futureteachers of the New Ukrainian School to work ininclusive education are modeled. The analysis ofscientific, scientific and methodological, psychologicaland pedagogical literature made it possible to clarifythe readiness of the future teachers of the NewUkrainian School to work with students in the contextof inclusive education as a set of knowledge and ideasabout the peculiarities of children with specialeducational needs, the possession of methods ofworking with these students in the conditions ofinclusive education, as well as the formation of certainpersonal qualities that provide a stable motivation forthis activity.
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