Malaysian Youth Council (MBM) is an important stakeholder in Malaysia youth development representing the NGO sector and being recognized by the Government under Section 49, Youth Organizations and Youth Development Act 2007. One of the main functions of MBM is to plan and implement youth development based on DBM as its foundation so that DBM does not just remain as a written statement without being practiced. MBM leaders as the main stakeholders of national youth development to understand the concepts contained in the DBM, especially PYD which is the main pillar of the DBM which to understand how to approach today's youth to prepare them for a more challenging future and coordinate all programs and youth development activities towards achieving the key goals and agendas of DBM. Thus, this writing attempts to unravel the question: 1. What is the Malaysian Youth Policy (DBM) according to the MBM Leadership perspective and; 2. To what extent has the MBM leadership implemented the DBM agenda in its programs and activities? Due to middle ground and critical approach, the challenges faced by MBM are not implemented or discussed thoroughly by the relevant agencies. Therefore the youth development issues do not get pressure from outside to be taken to the next level. This study found that the MBM leadership sees DBM as one of the government's ways to ensure the well-being of youth, especially in terms of economy, education and social welfare. It is also found in this study that MBM leadership has expected DBM to take care of the survival of youth organizations. MBM basically welcoming the implementation of DBM based on the establishment of bureaus under the MBM working committee based on nine youth priority areas in DBM. Although by principle the MBM leadership understands and uses DBM as a guide in annual program planning during the leadership retreat, the MBM leadership still struggles to decide on selecting and organizing programs that need to be implemented, in priority and systematically. The MBM leadership has implemented PYD through its programs and activities, but not systematically, strategically and in depth. MBM should emphasize long-term planned programs based on DBM, and reduce ad-hoc programs by the request of ministries or other stakeholders.
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