The three-body energy levels of the CsD2 quasi-molecule in a CsD2Pd12 cluster are calculated using the Cs-D, D-D, Cs-Pd and D-Pd repulsive Coulomb interactions with electronic effects, the central Woods-Saxon potential for the two-body nuclear interactions, and a nuclear three-body potential term. The calculation was performed for distances ranging from fermis to nanometers, in one pass, using 100-figure numerical precision, and for energies between the La ground state (-25.92 MeV) to the top of the Pd-barrier. The ion bases calculated results are adjusted to the electron bases chemical ones at the ground state and at the first excited state of CsD2Pd12. The possibility of Cs(2D, γ)La reaction is investigated for the E2 transition between J π = 7/2+ of CsD2 and 7/2+ of the La ground state.
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