Abstract The paper will be focus on a general evaluation of the institutional and legal framework of gender equality in Romania focused on woman employment policies taking into account the harmonization between the woman professional life with the private/family one. In this respect, one of the most important /main issues of the women employment policy in Romania is closed related to the child care facilities /services. In Romania the public system of child care services is still underdeveloped, whereas the private one is randomly developed (E Zamfir & Zamfir, C 1996, Marginean, I and Cojocaru, S- coord. 2006, Zamfir, E 2009 , ). They tend to exclude the people that are living in the rural area and also in extreme risk of poverty or very isolated and poor areas (as gipsy communities) (Zamfir, E and Zamfir,C 1993, E Zamfir 2012 ). Besides, there is an inefficient way of evaluation and monitoring of both, the results of the child care facilities and women employment policies, too (Zamfir,E and Zamfir, C, 2000, Zamfir, E 2010-3 ) ). For this reason, during the last 10 years, the concrete achievements in improving child care services related to women professional life are less visible at the implementation level. There is, however, a lack of pragmatic solutions to transform the objectives and the directions of action into concrete measures which could assure the real changes in daily women life. In fact, good intentions must be supported by efficient practical means/instruments, by constant monitoring and evaluation process of the adopted solutions. In spite of fact that the issues of harmonizing work/professional, private and family life within the current gender policy are characterized by adopted an adequate legal, modern framework- as a good policy initiative, the status of this policy initiatives remains much more at the announced stage and enacted levels(Zamfir, E.2010- 1). Very few initiatives have been implemented or evaluated in time. The process of monitoring and evaluating the actions in this frame of gender policy is still underdeveloped. The gender Policy in Romania follows very contradictory and sinuous trends: increase in women economic participation, increase in professional status but, also still remain signs of degradation in the private/family life. On the one hand, in some period of time, in Romania the gender equality policy, under international pressure, became visible at the legal frame and at the structure of institutions, too. On the other hand the degradation of women private/life is happened due to the lack of economic and financial resources which most affected the quality of social services and moral values for family and child protection. A partially positive aspect which can be mentioned in Romania, in the last 8 years, refers to development of some special child care facilities under the EU financed social inclusion programs. Some of them were good and stable in establishing a network of social services support facilities for children within the communities which could help significantly to increase the rate of women employment (Cace, S 2006, Zamfir, E, 2010-2 , Stanescu, S Cace, S – coord. 2011). In the same time, the gender employment policies appear as an objective of the reform in all strategic sectors of our Society, being a constant element to eliminate social exclusion and gender marginalization. At the present the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly, through the Agency of Equal Opportunities between Men and Women and Equal Opportunities, is in the process to develop the draft for the National Strategy for Equality between men and women for 2014-2017 with a General Plan of Actions. The project will be promoted by Government Decision, currently being in the process of public consultation.
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