The article examines the poetic component in the discourse of the work of Diogenes Laertius "Life and Thoughts of Famous Philosophers" in the aspect of ancient biography and doxography and in correlation with the cultural and historical realities of ancient Greek panegyrics and invective. The stylistic features of epigrammatic poetry about philosophers are characterized: apotheosis, heroization and glorification or, on the contrary, satire, invective and parody. Panegyristics is embodied in the form of deification, ascension to heaven to the Olympians, invective - in ridiculing human flaws and the shortcomings of philosophers and discrediting their teachings. In the studied epigrams, philosophers, along with prominent historical figures and winners of all-Greek competitions, became objects of public worship for the first time. The poetic works of the philosophers themselves (Solon, Xenophanes, Parmenides, Empedocles, Epicharmus, Plato, Arkesilaus, Cratetus, Bion) are also analyzed. , quotations by various philosophers of ancient Greek poetry, their paraphrases and parodies of famous poets. The poetic discourse is described, presented both in the diachrony of the authors involved by Diogenes, starting from Homer and ending with late Hellenistic epigrammatists (more than 250 poems by 32 well-known and little-known authors), and in their genre diversity (epic, lyric, elegy, tragedy, comedy, canticles, oracles , epigram, epitaph, dialogue-diatribe). The metric schemes of poetic works, both quoted by Diogenes and the author's original poetry (dactylic hexameter, pentameter, logaeds, in particular, Archebulian measure, meliamb, prokeleusmatic, holiamb) are indicated; the source base of poetic works used by Diogenes is indicated, from ancient and Byzantine collections (Palatine Anthology, Planudеa Anthology) to scholarly editions of ancient Greek poetry. The rhetorical devices of the panegyric and much more often mocking epigrams of Diogenes himself, of which there are 52 works, are considered.
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