
One of the forms of youth participation that has proved its effectiveness is represented by youthbanks, which successfully operate in different countries of the world. A youth bank is a youthorganization, which supports youth initiatives by providing financial aid for youth projects, whichare being implemented by youth in territorial communities. There are several models for organization of youth bank operations, but the major “features” that differentiate youth banks from other youth programs are that young people conduct grant competitions of youth projects by themselves as well as on their own collect funds for financial aid of projects-winners of the competition. In Ukraine youth initiative banks have been operating since 2008 and mainly organized by localcommunity foundations. The majority of youth projects, winners of grant competitions, are aimed at municipal improvement of residential areas and providing aid for socially vulnerable categories of population. Participants of a youth bank organize different charity events in order to raise funds for grant support of youth projects. Activities of youth initiative banks are aimed, first of all, at: stirring up project activities in the youthenvironment; attracting resources for youth projects; youth participation in the decision-making processes and development of local communities; training of leaders and raising a youth expert community.Promotion of youth initiative banks in Ukraine as an efficient tool for building up a socially active life stand, leadership and organizational skills of young people, requires studying of national experience and development of recommendations for organizing work of charitable youth associations

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