A quasi-three-dimensional aerodynamic solver is developed for the aerodynamic analysis of wings in a transonic regime that is able to capture the effect of BLS in hybrid laminar flow control (HLFC) application or transition to turbulent flow for natural laminar flow (NLF). The tool provides accurate results, but without the high computational cost of high-fidelity tools. The solver combines the use of an Euler flow solver characterized by an integral boundary-layer method and linear stability analysis using a approximation for transition prediction. In particular, a conical transformation is adopted, including the determination of the shock-wave position. The solver is implemented in a multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) framework, including wing weight estimation and aircraft performance analysis. The framework consists of different modules: aerodynamics, structure, suction system analysis, and performance evaluation. Using a genetic algorithm and considering HLFC technology, wing MDO has been performed to find the optimum wing planform and airfoil shape. A backward-swept wing (BSW) aircraft, developed inside the Cluster of Excellence–Sustainable and Energy Efficient Aviation (A) is studied. Novel technologies such as active flow control, limited maximum load factors due to load alleviation, and novel materials allow a fuel weight reduction of 6%.
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