In this paper we describe the partial proteolytic digestion of recA proteins from Escherichia coli and Proteus mirabilis and the production and isolation of truncated recA polypeptides. A proteolytic fragment of the P. mirabilis recA protein bound single-strand DNA and ATP normally but has altered duplex DNA binding properties. This protein was shown to initiate but not complete DNA strand transfer from a DNA duplex to a complementary single strand. The product of the E. coli recA1 allele bound but could not hydrolyze ATP and the protein bound single-strand but not double-strand DNA. This protein did not appear to initiate the transfer of a strand from a linear duplex to a single-strand circle and inhibited the wild-type recA protein from performing strand transfer. We report that recA protein binds linear duplex DNA in a manner that enhances the rate of ligation by T4 DNA ligase. When heterologous single-strand DNA was added in addition to the duplex DNA large stable aggregates of protein and DNA were formed that could easily be sedimented from solution.
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