A density model was built along the Bs05-22 profile, which made it possible to identify individual blocks with different crustal parameters. The consolidated crust of the East European Platform (EEP) has a “key” structure. The southern boundary of the EEP is clearly fractured and falls to the south at an angle of about 83° The South Ukrainian monocline (SUM) covers not only the basement of the EEP but also the northern part of the Scythian Plate (SP). The central part of SP block overlapped by the SUM is characterized by the maximum capacity of the folded-metamorphic base. The axial part of the Karkinit Trough (KT) has a structure typical for riftogens. The rift is practically one-sided with a width of 6.5 km. The southern slope of the KT developed as a result of the falling of the surface by the mechanism of the planj-principle. The border between the Karkinit Trough and the Kalamitsky rise (KR) is clearly defined by the Sulinsko-Tarkhankutsk fault. The core of the KR is a sufficiently massive body of lenticular shape with a density corresponding to the Taurian series of the Mountainous Crimea. There is a narrow transition zone between KT and Edge step (ES). The southern edge of the Scythian plate is a 25,0 km wide transition zone to West-Black Sea depression (WBSD). Modeling established the extension of the “granodiorite” layer into the WBSD for 100 km. The crust thickness within the EEP is 44,0 km, on the Scythian plate under SUM is average 43.5 km, 37,0 km within KT and 33,0 km under ES, in the West Black Sea basin 28,7 km under the foot of the Upper Cretaceous continental slope and 21,5 km at the southern edge of the profile. In the model chosen, the density of tectonic faults in the EEP is 0,06 and in the SP — 0,14 per 1,0 km. Vertical shifts of crystalline crust blocks at SP reach 5,5 km, which is almost three times higher than at the southern flank of the EEP. The most of disjunctions are vertical and have transcrust stretch. The structure of the Earth’s crust obtained as a result of modeling allowed us to draw some conclusions about the Meso-Cenozoic evolution of the studied region in the profile section. At the southern edge of the EEP in the Late Cimmerian tectogenesis epoch there has been a revitalization, in the Alpine phase this structure was generally passive. Activity of the Cimmerian epoch was observed throughout the Scythian plate: within the Kalmitsky rise from the early phase, and in the Karkinit Trough and on the Edge step from the late Cimmerian phase. The periods of activation on the KT and KR are traced up to the Sawa phase, and on the ES — to the Walach phase of the Alpine tectogenesis inclusive.
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