Raman spectroscopy is a well-established method for chemical identification, with a wide variety of applications. The two major limitations are that fluorescence can hamper detection, and that Raman imaging is slow; it typically takes multiple hours to measure even a small surface area. We have developed a multimodal setup that mitigates these limitations. The setup has a point-scanning mode that allows for time-gated as well as continuous Raman spectroscopy, and both modes use an 80 MHz, 532 nm excitation laser with up to 20 W of power. The fluorescence suppression capabilities of the setup were demonstrated by comparing time-gated to continuous detection of a Dracaena leaf. Raman bands showed a 4-8 times improvement in signal-to-background ratio, and one band that was invisible in the continuous measurement, became visible in the time-gated measurement.The setup also has a 4-band simultaneously detected wide-field mode. Using a set of beam splitters, the Raman signal from the sample is split. This signal is imaged onto four separate cameras, each with a specific band-pass filter. The wide-field data were processed using principal component analysis with k-means clustering. To illustrate the wide-field capabilities of the setup, a 1mm2 sample containing aspirin, caffeine and paracetamol was measured using 10 W excitation power. A 10-second measurement enabled identification of the compounds, and a 1-second measurement showed promising results. This brings the setup close to real-time imaging, showing great potential for applications in quality control or for measuring samples that change over time.