One of the nicer classes of finite partially ordered sets (posets) consists of the so-called symmetr ic chain orders. Besides possessing a variety of interesting structural propert ies, some of which we ment ion below, these posets include among their kind several important types of posets: the lattice B , of the subsets of an n e lement set [1, 3, 11, 12], the lattice Dn of divisors of an integer n [3, 6], the lattice Ln(q) of subspaces of an n-dimensional vector space over the finite field with q elements [8]. It is also conjectured that the lattice of partitions of integers, with part size and number of parts bounded, is a symmetric chain order [16, 17]. Here , we are interested in a general technique, originally used by Greene and Klei tman [6], for obtaining a chain decomposi t ion of a finite distributive lattice. This technique involves labeling the elements of the lattice with sequences of O's and l ' s and using a parenthesizat ion of the labels to induce a chain decomposi t ion of the lattice. With certain conditions on the labeling, this process yields a symmetr ic chain decomposit ion. W e obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for a lattice to allow such a labeling as well as present a collection of other structural propert ies of such lattices. (Actually, we work with the underlying poset of join-irreducibles.) As a related result, we characterize when another technique [1] for obtaining a chain decomposi t ion, using lexicographic partial matchings between elements of adjacent ranks, is the same as the method of parenthesization. To establish our basic definitions, let L be a poset. We say that x covers y in L if y < x and there does not exist a z in L such that y < z < x. L is a ranked poset if it possesses a rank function r f rom the elements of L into the nonnegative integers such that r(x) = 0 if x is minimal and r(x) = r (y )+ 1 if x covers y. If L has a rank function, the kth Whitney number WL(k) is the number of elements in L of rank k. The rank of L is defined to be the max imum of r(x) over all x in L, that is, the length of the longest chain in L.
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