THE anticoccidial and antibacterial activity (Mitrovic et al., 1969a, b) as well as the safety and compatibility (Marusich et al., 1969) of Rofenaid, sulfadimethoxine ormetoprim-potentiated mixture, in chicks have already been reported; its anticoccidial activity (Mitrovic et al., 1971) and its safety (Marusich et al., 1971) in turkeys have also been discussed. The present report deals with its antibacterial activity in turkeys. MATERIALS AND METHODS The chemoprophylactic antibacterial studies were carried out in battery and floor pen trials. Battery trials. Day-old Broad Breasted White (B.B.W.) poults were used throughout these studies. Ten birds, evenly distributed by sex and body weight, were used per group. Each test was repeated four times. The poults, fed and watered ad libitum, were kept in electrically-heated wirefloored battery brooders throughout the experiments. Purina turkey starter mash, free of drugs, was used as the basal ration. The medicated feed was prepared by adding to the basal…
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