The behavior of clays on drying leads to undesirable consequences with regard to high-plasticity clay subgrades and embankments. The soil suction and shrinkage properties of an alluvial clay soil were characterized. The CLOD shrinkage test procedure was found to be very effective in developing the experimental shrinkage curves. At the McCurtain County, Oklahoma, site, three types of samples were analyzed: undisturbed samples taken with thin-walled tubes, hand-augured soil chunks, and compacted standard Proctor samples. Results of the CLOD shrinkage tests for this site indicate consistent results regardless of the sample type and well-defined normal and residual segments of the shrinkage curve. Shrinkage limits estimated from the CLOD shrinkage curves were comparable with shrinkage limit test values. The effect of overconsolidation is reflected in the characteristic curves for different depths in the soil profile. A large suction range was calculated at the general air entry moisture content.
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