Abstract Aim . Peer bullying is defined as systematic, deliberate, intentional, and periodic agressive acts inflicted by physically or psychologically stronger children on their weaker peers without any evidence of provocation. In our study, we investigated the incidence of the peer bullying among university students, diversity and the relationship between of the peer bullying and substance use and socio-demographic characteristics. Method. Our study was conducted between April, 11 and May 20, 2011 with 2177 undergraduates training in Faculty of Education, Economics, Administrative Sciences, and Faculty of Science and Literature localized at Central Campus of Gaziosmanpasa University using cluster sampling method. Based on the results obtained from previous prevalence studies, working with a 45% sampling distribution was decided upon. Accordingly, questionnaire surveys were applied on 985 students in their classrooms under the observance of a supervisor, and statistical analyses were performed on 964 completed questionnaire forms. Results. Two thirds of our study participants were first grade female students. Mean age of the participants was 19.8±1.6 years. A 10% of all students were smokers, 6.9% of them were using alcohol. Currently 0.4% of them were heroin, and cocaine users, while a very small percentage of the students were using thinner (0.4%) and cannabis (0.5%). Some of the male students stated that they could fight for their girl friends (32%) or for any friend (30%). A 22.3% of all the participants who were mostly male (40.8%) and at a lesser proportion female (13.4%) students expressed that they could fight frequently, and incessantly with those who would swear at them. Apart from verbal violence, in all types of violence, incidence of exposure to violent behaviours has observedly risen in line with the educational level of parents. Mostly among substance abusers (88.9%), then alcohol, and tobacco addicts have been exposed to physical violence in decreasing order. Verbal violence was directed mainly to alcohol abusers, while smokers were predominantly subjected to emotional violence. Conclusion. In our study a significant correlation was found between alcohol, and other substance abuses and increased incidence of bullying. In fact, in many studies performed, an association between substance abuse, and criminal acts has been revealed. Social, and individual awareness about the relationship between the substance use, and tendency to commit criminal acts should be created via informative programs encompassing both users, and their families. Keywords: Peer bullying, substance use, school, risk factors Ozet Amac. Akran zorbaligi, icerisinde kiskirtma unsuru olmaksizin aralarinda fiziksel ya da psikolojik acidan guc esitsizligi olan cocuklardan guclunun karsi tarafa bilerek ve isteyerek, kasitli, sistemli bir bicimde belli zaman araliklari ile uyguladigi saldirilar olarak tanimlanmaktadir. Bu calismada universite ogrencileri arasinda akran zorbaliginin sikligi, cesitliligi ile akran zorbaliginin madde kullanimi ve sosyodemografik ozellikler arasindaki iliskisinin arastirilmasi amaclandi. Yontem. Calismamiz Gaziosmanpasa Universitesi Tokat merkez kampusunde egitim gormekte olan 2177 birinci sinif lisans ogrencilerinde kume ornekleme yontemi ile %45 orneklemle 985 ogrenciye sinif ortaminda gozetmen esliginde anket uygulanmis ve istatistiksel analizler 964 anket uzerinden yapilmistir. Bulgular. Calismamizda arastirmaya katilanlarin 2/3'si 1. sinif ogrencilerinin cinsiyet oranlarina paralel olarak kiz ogrenci idi. Katilimcilarin yas ortalamalari ise 19,8±1,6 idi. Tum ogrenciler arasinda sigara kullananlarin orani %10, alkol kullanan ogrenci orani %6,9 iken ogrencilerin halen %0,4'u eroin ve kokain kullanmakta %0,1'i tiner, %0,5'i ise halen esrar kullandigini ifade etmektedir. Kiz arkadasi icin kavga edebilecegini ifade eden erkek ogrencilerin orani %32, arkadasi icin kavga edebilecegini ifade eden erkek ogrencilerin orani ise %30, kendisine kufreden arkadasiyla sik sik ve devamli kavga edecegini ifade eden ogrenci orani %22,3 iken bu oran erkek ogrencilerde %40,8, kiz ogrencilerde %13,4 olarak bulunmustur. Sozel siddet haric siddet turlerini hepsinde anne ve baba egitim duzeyi yukseldikce siddetle karsilasma oranlarinda artma gozlenmistir. Ogrencilerden fiziksel siddetle karsilasma oranlari en yuksek oranda madde kullananlarda (%88,9) bulunmakta iken bunu alkol ve sigara kullanimi izlemektedir. Sozel siddete ise en cok oranda alkol kullananlar, duygusal siddetle ise en fazla oranda sigara kullananlar karsilasmaktadir. Sonuc. Calismamizda alkol ve diger madde kullanimlari ile zorbalik arasinda anlamli bir iliski bulunmustur. Yapilan bircok calismada da madde kullanimi ile suc arasinda bir iliskinin oldugu ortaya konulmustur. Akran zorbaligi ve madde kullanimi ile ilgili olarak hem kullanicilar hem de ailelerinin katilimiyla bilgilendirici programlar yapilarak toplumsal ve bireysel farkindalik yaratilmalidir. Anahtar sozcukler: Akran siddeti, madde kullanimi, okul, risk faktorleri
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