Analysis of the main problems of the emergency state of the monuments shows that the main problem of disrupting the equilibrium of the statics of the “footing-foundation-structure” system is the uneven subsidence of the foundations, weak foundation soils, moistening of the foundation soils due to the violation or absence of waterproofing. The subsidence of footings and foundations, changes in hydrogeological conditions, the absence of blind areas and disorganized drainage from the basement, ageing of masonry solutions, a decrease in the strength and bearing properties of stone, brick and plinthiform brick lead to an emergency state of stone walls, their deformation, moistening, destruction of masonry, the appearance of cracks. Unique monuments of the Kyivan Rus period have been preserved in Ukraine. Unfortunately, as a result of the Mongol-Tatar invasion and destruction of the period of atheism in the 1930s, only foundations or separate parts of many temples remained, and some temples were rebuilt during the Baroque period. From many unique monuments, only the foundations remained, in some, in addition to the foundations, walls and individual fragments remained. In this case, the main restoration task was the maximum preservation of artefacts – foundations, walls, side-chapels.
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