The results of optical emission spectroscopy experiments probing the cold electron population of a 14 GHz Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source (ECRIS) are reported. The study has been conducted with a high resolution spectrometer and data acquisition setup developed specifically for the diagnostics of weak emission line characteristic to ECRIS plasmas. The optical emission lines of low charge state ions and neutral atoms of neon have been measured and analyzed with the line-ratio method. The aforementioned electron population temperature of the cold electron population (Te < 100 eV) is determined for Maxwell-Boltzmann and Druyvesteyn energy distributions to demonstrate the applicability of the method. The temperature was found to change significantly when the extraction voltage of the ion source is turned on/off. In the case of the Maxwellian distribution, the temperature of the cold electron population is 20 ± 10 eV when the extraction voltage is off and 40 ± 10 eV when it is on. The optical emission measurements revealed that the extraction voltage also affects both neutral and ion densities. Based on the rate coefficient analysis with the aforementioned temperatures, switching the extraction voltage off decreases the rate coefficient of neutral to 1+ ionization to 42% and 1+ to 2+ ionization to 24% of the original. This suggests that switching the extraction voltage on favors ionization to charge states ≥2+ and, thus, the charge state distributions of ECRIS plasmas are probably different with the extraction voltage on/off. It is therefore concluded that diagnostics results of ECRIS plasmas obtained without the extraction voltage are not depicting the plasma conditions in normal ECRIS operation.
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