and v= (fe R[x], c(f) = R)- = R[x] - U (mR[x]. 172 maximal ideal of R j. CT and f~’ are multiplicatively closed subsets of R[.x]. Set R(xj =R[s], and R(x) = R[x] v. Then R[x]c R(x) c R(s), R(s) is a localization of R( x >, and both R(x) and R(x) are faithfully flat R modules. Ever since R(x) played a prominent role in Quillen’s solution to Serre’s conjecture [25]? and its succeeding generalizations to non-Noetherian rings [6,20], there has been a considerable amount of interest in the properties of R<s). This interest expanded to include similarly constructed localizations of R[x]. Notable among these constructions is the ring R(x), which, through a variety of useful properties, provides a tool for proving results on R via passage to R(s). The interest in the properties of R(x) and R(x) branched in many directions [l-S, 7, 8: 12. 14-16, 21, 23, 26). Several of these directions consider homological properties of these two rings. Ferrand [IS] and McDonald and Waterhouse [23] investigate finitely generated projective modules over R(x). The behavior of the weak dimensions of R(x) and R(x) is investigated through the exploration of ascent and descent of Von Neumann regularity, semihereditarity and related conditions, and coherent regularity of the extensions R --f R(x) and R + R(x). In [II], Le Riche determines conditions for the semihereditarity of R(x). D. D. Anderson, D. F. Anderson, and Markanda 141, and Huckaba and Papick [15; $63 consider conditions related to semihereditarity such as being a Priifer or Priifcr-like ring, for both ring constructions. In Glaz 1121, we consider the
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