Related problems of nonlinear acoustics and hemodynamics are discussed. Equations describing the propagation of pulse waves in elastic tubes taking into account the dependence of the cross-section, linear and nonlinear elasticity on the distance along the axis are obtained. It is shown that in narrowing tubes with their elasticity increasing shock fronts may be formed with the peak pressure increasing, and the peak speed decreasing. The analogous behavior was observed in experiments. The expression of the nonlinearity coefficient as a sum of the “geometrical” and “physical” nonlinearities having different signs is obtained. It is supposed that in a normally functioning system these nonlinearities compensate each other. The formation of the shock waves is the evidence of vascular pathology. It is shown that it is possible to restore the local heterogeneity of a vessel (the change of the cross-section or rigidity) on the basis of measurements of the reflected or transmitted wave. The principle of the action of the acoustic pump not containing mechanically moving parts is described.
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