This study analyzed surface waves and winds from ERA5 reanalysis dataset in the Western Equatorial Atlantic (WEA) Ocean in order to properly understand the long-term regime of oceanic waves over the Continental Shelf of Maranhão (CSMA), pointing to the changes that occur at the western and eastern sectors as the waves propagate to the coastal zone. A data validation with observational data collected in situ by the PNBOIA and PIRATA projects has been conducted. The parameters analyzed were significant wave height (Hs), peak period (Tp), mean wave direction (Dm), and the zonal (u10) and meridional (v10) components of wind at 10 m. The analysis covered a period of 43 years (1979–2023). The monthly climatology of the Hs, Tp and Dm found has revealed a semi-annual cycle in the waves pattern in the region. The wave direction variability executes a clockwise motion from northeast-east-southeast throughout a year. The annual climatology analysis reveals that 59 % of sea states in the region are characterized by swell conditions in the region, while wind-sea dominates in 41 % of cases, with seasonal variability. During the austral summer (autumn), swells prevail over wind-seas along the WEA, accounting for 77 % (84 %) of the cases. This coincides with the boreal winter, characterized by high storm activity, whose storms generate swells that traverse the ocean, reaching Maranhão's waters and resulting in the highest waves in the region (3.54 m in summer). In contrast, during the spring season, sea states are dominated by wind-sea conditions (70 %) due to the increase in southeast trade winds. The highest Hs observed from wind-sea conditions is 2.94 m. The largest contribution for the maxima Hs in the region is given by swells in the summer/autumn and by wind-seas in the winter/spring seasons, with swells propagating more energy and power to cause erosional processes on the eastern sector of Maranhão coast. Oppositely, in the western sector of the littoral, whose geomorphology is dominated by tidal flats, cheniers plains and mangroves, the Hs is small, indicating a depositional environment. The algorithm indicated that swells generated by tropical (extratropical) storms typically take approximately 3.5–4.5 (6−7) days to travel the distance to the CSMA, while in the equatorial zone, the arrival of swells at the CSMA averages between 3.5 and 7 days. In this study we demonstrated the CSMA region is dominated by a bimodal wave regime with a strong semi-annual cycle, which is driven by the tropical/extratropical storms propagating from the North Atlantic Ocean toward the study area and by trade winds variability.