In the context of quantum mechanics, Schrodinger's equation has many possible interpretations, none of which appear to be entirely satisfactory. One reason for this is that there is no known microscopic model which yields both Schrodinger's equation and an accompanying ‘sensible’ interpretation. In contrast to this the diffusion equation is well known as a phenomenological equation obtainable from the microscopic model of Brownian motion. In this case the microscopic model provides an unambiguous interpretation of the partial differential equation. In this article we review work which shows that Schrodinger's equation by itself is also easily obtained from a lattice random walk version of the Brownian motion model. In this system, Schrodinger's equation arises by projection and the interpretation of wave functions is as direct and unambiguous as the interpretation of density in the diffusion case. However the direct interpretation is compatible with quantum mechanics only in a statistical sense in the context of ensembles of particles. This shows that measurement theory is the aspect of quantum theory which harbours the problems of interpretation, and we suggest the study of this and related systems to clearly illuminate the boundary between dynamics and measurement.
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