A comprehensive comparative agrotechnological assessment of the cultivation of spring soft wheat in a five-field grain fallow crop rotation in the forest-steppe agrolandscapes of the Omsk Region was carried out. In a stationary two-factor grain-fallow crop rotation, the importance of predecessors, tillage, chemicalization on the state of soil fertility, agrophytocenosis, yield and technological parameters of grain was revealed. It was established that repeated crops of the crop lead to a decrease in yield relative to the fallow predecessor by 1.18–1.44 t/ha with a decrease in gluten in the grain to 20.7–22.7 %. The negative impact of repeated crops on the water and nutrient regime of the soil, the growth of the weed component, root rot, leaf and stem infections in crops was revealed. The decrease in nitrate accumulation, yield and protein content of grain on the third wheat after fallow is also associated with a significant (1.7–3.6 times) decrease in nitrifying bacteria in the upper (0–20) soil layer. It is proposed to reduce the area of repeated and permanent crops of spring wheat in the region by 1.5–2 times, it is necessary to expand the set of productive predecessors. Cultivation of spring wheat using intensive technology helps to increase soil fertility and improve the phytosanitary condition of crops. Thus, the coefficient of water consumption for the formation of 1 ton of grain with intensive technology of cultivation of spring wheat decreases on average from 265 to 57 mm (4.6 times). Under the conditions of extensive agriculture and arid climate, the fallow field in the grain production of the region is still the basis for increasing the yield, technological properties of grain and seed quality. Thus, in the arid agrolandscapes of Western Siberia, the predecessors, the system of tillage in crop rotation, the use of intensification tools have a significant impact on the elements of soil fertility and the phytosanitary state of spring wheat crops.
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