This project is “A STUDY ON CLIENT EXPERIENCE OVER WEB PROTOTYPE FOR A PORTAL WITH REFERENCE TO ITC PRIVATE LIMITED” The journey of developing a new product involves various steps. While it's tempting to dive head-first into the project, you'll do well to remember the adage – ''by failing to prepare, you prepare to fail''. Planning and testing your ideas before implementing them is the best way to ensure your brand can release the right products. That is what prototyping does – implement ideas into tangible form and explore their real-world impact before finally executing them.
 Let's get a closer understanding of what, how, and why of prototyping.
 A portal is a web-based platform that allows users to access information, applications, and services in one centralized location. Portals are commonly used in the e-commerce industry to manage inventory, track shipments, and monitor sales.
 Implementing the wire-frame approach requires careful planning and coordination between businesses and their vendors. It is essential to communicate with vendors to gather accurate information about their warehouse capacity and delivery schedules.
 Once this information has been collected, businesses can use the wire-frame approach to identify areas where they can improve their storage and distribution processes to maximize space utilization.
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