The article considers the possibility of optional implementation of financial and educational decentralization approaches in Ukraine. The strategic role of CMU Order No. 333-r dated April 1, 2014 on the approval of the Concept of Reforming Local Self-Government and Territorial Organization of Power in Ukraine as a conceptual measure of financial and educational transformations is outlined. The legal status and legal options of educational self-government at the level of OTG are defined in accordance with the national "normative basis of decentralization": the Law of Ukraine "On the Voluntary Association of Territorial Communities" No. 157-VIII, the Law of Ukraine "On the Principles of State Regional Policy" No. 156-VIII, etc., as well as relevant legislation (the Law of Ukraine "On Education" No. 2145- VIII of the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" No. 1556-VII, etc.).
 A terminological distinction between the concepts of "power decentralization" and "financial decentralization of the region" is proposed. The problem of budgetary and educational provision of scientific and educational facilities is conceptualized spheres in Ukraine through the prism of the Budget Code of Ukraine No. 2456-VI.
 Examples of foreign decentralization-educational (management and financial) support are presented and implementation methods of its application in Ukraine are proposed.
 The ideological problem is that the decentralization of power presupposes, among other things, the financial independence of the region (one of the principles of decentralization is the transfer of resources from the ODF to the OMS), and the issue of its provision is problematic for a country that is used to building financial and economic relations by the "vertical" principle, i.e. "from top to bottom".
 Taking into account the dependent connection of the educational sphere in Ukraine on the accompanying and sectoral legislation, such trends, without having a direct impact on the volume and expenditure mechanisms of scientific and educational support from the State Budget of Ukraine, create a precedent of institutional and jurisdictional inconsistency.
 The issue of financial support for higher education and directly – institutions of higher education (HEIs) has several problems, among which “financing of expenses for the maintenance of HEIs, not the actual cost of the educational process” stands out; calculation of budget transfers only in the amount of "educational needs" (without cultural and sports and social assistance initiatives of the development and education self-government); inadequate financial and logistical support of vocational education as a subcomponent and pregenerator of higher education in Ukraine.