
After the proclamation of Ukraine’s independence in 1991, local self-government in Ukraine is not regulatedseparately for such administrative-territorial units as cities (exceptions are cities with a special status). Most authorsonly state this fact, but do not make constructive suggestions aimed at improving the situation.The purpose of the article is to consider and analyze the modern laws of Ukraine, which implemented the legalregulation of local self-government in the cities of Ukraine.The study of the laws of Ukraine regulating local self-government gave grounds to note that the peculiarities of localself-government in cities are fragmented in the Law “On Local Self-Government in Ukraine”, Electoral Code and arecompletely absent in such important laws-sources of municipal law as Law “On Voluntary Association of TerritorialCommunities”, “On the Status of Deputies of Local Councils”. Regarding the latest act, the following directionsof amendments aimed at differentiating the status of deputies of local councils of rural and urban settlements areproposed: differences in the rights and responsibilities of deputies of local councils and taking into account differentquantitative composition of local councils (depending on the number of members); accordingly – more or less complexinternal structure of local councils, their executive bodies.It is noted that with the adoption on February 5, 2015 of the Law “On Voluntary Association of TerritorialCommunities” at the present stage of municipal reform began to follow the trend of refusing to unify local governmentin urban and rural areas (in connection with the introduction of the institute of elders). Proposals for amendments toArt. 7 of this Law “Preparation of decisions on voluntary association of territorial communities” and on supplementingArt. 8 “Formation of a united territorial community” paragraph 1-1 in the proposed wording.

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