Due to the broad application of next-generation sequencing, the molecular diagnosis of genetic disorders in pediatric neurology is no longer an unachievable goal. However, treatments for neurological genetic disorders in children remain primarily symptomatic. On the other hand, with the continuous evolution of therapeutic viral vectors, gene therapy is becoming a clinical reality. From this perspective, we wrote this reviewto illustrate the current state regarding viral-mediated gene therapy in childhood neurological disorders. We searched databases, including PubMed and Google Scholar, using the keywords "adenovirus vector," "lentivirus vector," and "AAV" for gene therapy, and "immunoreaction induced by gene therapy vectors," "administration routes of gene therapy vectors," and "gene therapy" with "NCL," "SMA," "DMD," "congenital myopathy," "MPS" "leukodystrophy," or "pediatric metabolic disorders". We also screened the database of ClinicalTrials.gov using the keywords "gene therapy for children" and then filtered the results with the ones aimed at neurological disorders. The time range of the search procedure was from the inception of the databases to the present. We presented the characteristics of commonly used viral vectors for gene therapy for pediatric neurological disorders and summarized their merits and drawbacks, the administration routes of each vector, the research progress, and the clinical application status of viral-mediated gene therapy on pediatric neurological disorders. Viral-mediated gene therapy is on the brink of broad clinical application. Viral-mediated gene therapy will dramatically change the treatment pattern of childhood neurological disorders, and many children with incurable diseases will meet the dawn of a cure. Nevertheless, the vectors must be optimized for better safety and efficacy.
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