This article investigates the problem of road traffic accidents (RTA) and reviews current strategies and approaches to prevent and reduce them. The significance of this problem is that the health of road users and the safety of vehicle traffic on roads is one of the most important global societal issues, especially with the continuous growth in the number of vehicles and the pace of urban activity. The article examines various aspects of road traffic accident prevention, including legal, technical, psychological and educational measures. It analyzes current trends in the development and implementation of road safety programs, as well as successful practices to reduce the number of accidents and injuries on the roads. Based on a study of the effectiveness of various strategies and programs aimed at reducing the number of accidents and casualties in traffic accidents, the article provides information on which measures are most effective and how they can be implemented in different contexts. In addition, it emphasizes the importance of cooperation between the authorities, public organizations and citizens in implementing road safety. The article also discusses in detail the importance of preventive measures, which may include educational campaigns and awareness-raising activities on vehicle safety on the roads. It also analyzes the legal norms and penalties for violations of traffic rules and the possibility of studying and using the experience of other countries, in particular Poland, in ensuring the safety of vehicles on the roads. The concluding part of the article discusses the prospects for the future development of road safety systems and the challenges that may arise in the future. The findings of this study can be useful for policy makers, researchers, and road safety professionals to improve road safety and reduce the number of road traffic accidents.
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