This article provides a comparative assessment of the chemical composition, the content of vitamins, minerals and amino acid composition of ordinary and fermented mung bean seeds, Vigna radiata. The seeds of Vigna radiata of the domestic selection "Zhasyl Dan" are the object of research. In order to increase the biological values of Vigna radiata seeds and improve their biochemical composition, a fermentation process was carried out. The effect of the fermentation process on the biochemical and amino acid composition of Vigna radiata seeds was studied. The fermentation process of mung bean seeds occurs due to the activation of a number of biochemical compounds and enzymes contained in the seed itself. The main substances that participate in and influence fermentation are amylases, proteases, lipases, gibberellins and other phytohormones such as auxins and cytokinins, polyphenols and antioxidants. Fermentation of Vigna radiata seeds was carried out at room temperature 200 C for 72 hours. The seeds were placed in a plastic container, then covered with drinking water also at room temperature. The water level was monitored every 12 hours. The research was carried out in the accredited testing laboratory "Regional Testing Laboratory of Engineering profile "Structural and Biochemical Materials" on the basis of M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University, Shymkent. As a result of the study, it was found that fermentation of Vigna radiata seeds leads to an improvement in physico-chemical properties. This is due to the strengthening of the amino acid composition of the Vigna radiata seed, especially the effect of fermentation has a positive effect on essential amino acids. It was found that as a result of fermentation, the level of essential amino acids increased in the following order: valine – by 25.4%, leucine – by 32.8%, phenylalanine – by 27.7%, threonine – by 44.9%. There was also a decrease in the indicators of anti-nutritional substances - in particular, there was a decrease in the amount of oligosaccharides. Due to the activation of the enzyme systems of the seed itself, their nutritional and biological value increases.
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