<p>天主教輔仁大學自2020年起推動大學社會責任計畫,帶領校內各科系所師生以不同專業共同關懷新莊、五股及泰山等地,持續提升大學對區域發展之社會貢獻,藉此落實深耕地方、人才培育以及環境永續之目標。本文為景觀系教師參與新莊好學環境永續計畫之初步成果。台灣人朗朗上口「一府、二鹿、三艋舺」,卻鮮少聽聞「一府、二鹿、三新莊」,然而清領時期,新莊繁盛之際曾有「千帆林立新莊港,市肆聚千家燈火」之稱譽。根據1935年的登記資料,新莊後村圳灌溉面積超過台北瑠公圳灌溉面積約1/4,然現今瑠公圳廣為人知,後村圳卻少人提及。近年新莊地區因都市重劃工程,使原本農業、工業地景逐漸消逝,取而代之的是都市重劃後的棋盤式街道分區,有形及無形文化資產已逐漸式微。輔大學生對老新莊文化普遍不認識,尤其是出生於新莊區的學生,文化扎根力道微弱。位於塭仔圳重劃區緊鄰輔大的公七與公八之加蓋水路,為超過兩百五十年之清領時期古圳路,大新莊的老農業地景受工業與都市化、重劃填埋。本計畫意識新莊古圳地景具傳承教育意義,更是輔大重要的社會責任,因此推動與新北市政府共同修復經流輔大區域之後村圳,留存於後世,並期望透過輔大USR傳達新莊水文化精神,喚起臺灣人對新莊與水環境之重視。解決方法是藉本大學社會責任計畫帶領學生以綠色基礎設施概念建構新五泰地區之網絡,先期以輔大校園與周邊新闢公園定位為網絡中心,再以重劃區中的道路、行道樹、新舊水路系統作為建構廊道設施的概念,達到文教區永續發展與文化傳承之目標,同時協助新莊區民找回土地認同與價值,藉由塭仔圳重劃區內的舊圳路、公園綠地及溪流藍帶強化綠色基礎設施的功能,建構蘊含豐富文化的「大新莊生活環境博物園區」目標。</p> <p>&nbsp;</p><p>Since 2020, Fu Jen Catholic University has been implementing USR initiatives. These initiatives have rallied faculty and students from various departments within the university, harnessing their skills to collaboratively address the issues confronting Xinzhuang, Wugu and Taishan. Through ongoing efforts to contribute to regional development, the university aims to concretely pursue the goals of strengthening our local connections, nurturing talents and promoting environmental sustainability. The essay presents the preliminary outcomes of a professor from the Department of Landscape Architecture participating in the Xinzhuang Sustainable Learning Environment Project. The saying &ldquo;First-Tainan, Second-Lukang, Third-Monga&rdquo; is widely recognized in Taiwan, however, the saying &ldquo;First-Tainan, Second-Lukang, Third- Xinzhuang&rdquo; is less familiar. In fact, during the Qing Dynasty, Xinzhuang enjoyed prosperity and earned itself the epithet &ldquo;A thousand ships grace Xinzhuang Port, a thousand lights and lanterns illuminate the marketplace.&rdquo; Based on registration records from 1935, it&rsquo;s noted that the irrigation area of the H&ograve;u Cun Z&ugrave;n (後村圳) in Xinzhuang surpassed that of Taipei&rsquo;s Liugong Canal by approximately a quarter. However, while the Liugong Canal is widely recognized today, the H&ograve;u Cun Z&ugrave;n remains relatively obscure. In recent years, urban redevelopment projects in the Xinzhuang area have led to the gradual disappearance of its original agricultural and industrial landscapes, replaced by grid-like street zoning typical of urban renewal projects. As a consequence, both tangible and intangible cultural assets have dwindled. There’s a general lack of awareness among Fu Jen Catholic University students regarding the cultural heritage of Xinzhuang, particularly among those born in the district. This has resulted in a weakened cultural foundation. Situated in the Wenzaijun urban land consolidation redevelopment zone adjacent to Fu Jen University, the covered waterways of Gongqi and Gongba, dating back over 250 years to the Qing Dynasty, have witnessed the transformation of the old agricultural landscape of greater Xinzhuang due to industrialization, urbanization, and urban renewal. Recognizing the educational significance of Xinzhuang ’s ancient waterway landscape, this project views it as a vital university social responsibility of Fu Jen Catholic University. Consequently, it advocates for collaborative restoration efforts with the New Taipei City Government to preserve the historical waterway (Houcunzun) flowing through the Fu Jen University area for future generations. Through the Fu Jen Catholic University Social Responsibility Program, the project aims to impart the spirit of Xinzhuang ’s water culture, thereby raising awareness among the people about the importance of Xinzhuang and its water environment. The proposed solution is to utilize the university’s social responsibility program to lead students in constructing a network for the Xinzhuang-Wugu-Taishan districts based on the concept of green infrastructure. Initially, the Fu Jen University campus and surrounding newly developed parks will be designated as the nexus of the network. Then, the roads, roadside trees, existing and new waterway systems in the redevelopment area will be used to conceptualize the construction of corridor facilities. This approach aims to achieve the goals of sustainable development and cultural heritage preservation in the cultural and educational district. Additionally, the initiative will aid residents of Xinzhuang in reclaiming their local identity and value. By revitalizing old waterways, parks, and streams in the Wenzaizun urban land consolidation redevelopment zone, the project aims to enhance the functionality of green infrastructure and establish the &quot;Greater Xinzhuang Eco-Museum&quot; to showcase the area’s rich cultural heritage.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
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