Species and numbers of flies emerged from waste of 4 Poultry farms in Yamaguchi prefecture were investigated, and resistant level of flies larvae (Musca dometica vicina and Muscina stablans) collected at various places in Yamaguchi prefecture to several insecticides were studied. The results are summarized as follows:1. Muscina stablans were most predominant in June, amouting to about 75% of the whole collected flies. No Musca dometica were among the flies.2. Four species of Fannia levcosticta, Sarcophaga peregrina, Ophyra levcostoma and Ptecticus tenebrifer amounted to about 90% of the whole collected flies in August. Sarcophaga peregrina and Ptecticus tenebrifer were characteristic species of August.3. Flies in October emerged about 1/10 of the whole collected flies in June or August.4. Resistant level of Musca dometica vicina larvae in Yamaguchi prefecture to several insecticides increased 30-110 times higher than that of the Takatsuki strain, and was inferior to that of the Misaki strain obtained higher resistant level.5. Resistant level of Muscina stablans larvae to sumithion was extremely inferior to Musco dometica vicina larvae.
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