The synthesis of vertically aligned single-walled carbon nanotubes (VA-SWNTs)by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) was achieved at500–600 °C, using ethylene as the carbon source and 1 nm Fe film as the catalyst. For growth ofhigh-quality VA-SWNTs in a plasma sheath, it is crucial to alleviate the undesirable ionbombardment etching effects by the optimization of plasma input power and gas pressure.The resistibility of synthesized VA-SWNTs against ion bombardment etching was foundto be closely related to the growth temperature. At relatively low temperature(500 °C), the VA-SWNTs were very susceptible to ion bombardments, which could inducestructural defects, and even resulted in a structural transition to few-walled nanotubes. Forcapacitively coupled radio frequency (rf) PECVD operating at moderate gas pressure(0.3–10 Torr), the ion bombardment etching effect is mainly dependent on the ion flux,which is related to the plasma input power and gas pressure.
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