Objective To examine the reliability and validity of the Connor-Davidson resilience scale (CD-RISC) among coal miners, and explore factors structure and essence. Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted among 731 coal miners by using CD-RISC, Maslach burnout inventory(MBI-GS) and general self-efficacy scale(GSES). Results Twenty-five items of CD-RISC were retained based on the results of exploratory factor analysis, including three factors of stress resistance, sense of competence and optimism.CD-RISC factors were significantly correlated with each other, and the correlation coefficient ranged from 0.623 to 0.777(P 0.8, RMSEA=0.065, proved that the measured data fitted well with the hypothesized three-factor model.Internal consistency reliability coefficient of the total scale, stress resistance, sense of competence and optimism factors were 0.942, 0.920, 0.868 and 0.765, repectively.The CD-RISC scale was positively correlated with GSES and negatively correlated with MBI-GS and its factors named emotional exhaustion and depersonalization. Conclusion The CD-RISC of 25 items for coal miners possesses good reliability and validity. Key words: Resilience; Reliability; Validity; Coal miners
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