Accurate electroanatomic mapping is critical for identifying scar and the long-term success of ventricular tachycardia ablation. This study sought to determine the accuracy of multielectrode mapping (MEM) catheters to identify scar on cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) and histopathology. In an ovine model of myocardial infarction, we examined the effect of electrode size, spacing, and mapping rhythm on scar identification compared to CMR and histopathology using 5 multielectrode mapping catheters. We co-registered electroanatomic mapping, CMR, and histopathology for comparison. Catheter-specific voltage thresholds were identified based on underlying amounts of normal myocardium on transmural histology biopsies. Ten animals were included: 6 with anteroseptal myocardial infarction and 4 control animals. A total of 419,597 points were manually reviewed across the catheters, with 315,487 points used in the analysis. There were minimal differences in bipolar and unipolar voltages, scar areas, and abnormal electrograms between catheters and between rhythms. Catheter-specific bipolar and unipolar voltage thresholds for normal myocardium were High-Density Grid >2.78mV and >6.19mV, DuoDecapolar >2.22mV and >6.05mV, PentaRay >1.66mV and >5.35mV, Decanav >1.36mV and >4.75mV, Orion >1.21mV and >6.05mV, respectively. Catheter-specific bipolar thresholds improved the accuracy for detecting endo-mid myocardial scar on CMR by 1.8%-15.6% and catheter-specific unipolar thresholds improved the accuracy in the mid-epicardial layers by 25.3%-81.1%. Minimal differences were observed in scar detection and electrogram markers between commercially available multielectrode mapping catheters and differing wave fronts. Compared to traditional voltage criteria for bipolar and unipolar scar, catheter-specific thresholds markedly improved accuracy for delineating scar on CMR.
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