When regional myocardial dysfunction is present, the physiological pattern of ventricular filling and contraction is impaired. During acute coronary occlusion, characteristic changes are observed in the ischemic myocardial segment: the amplitude of the systolic wall thickening is reduced (hypokinesia), then virtually absent (akinesia) and finally replaced by a paradoxical outward motion (dyskinesia). The maximum amplitude is reached in early diastole ("post-ejection thickening"). Since hyperkinesis develops in the normal region, the ischemic and the normal region contract asynchronously. Experimentally left ventricular asynchrony can be detected by means of subendo- and subepicardially implanted ultrasonic crystals ("sonomicrometry") or by the analysis of the phase difference of the first Fourier harmonic of dysfunctional versus control myocardial wall motion. In the clinical setting, digitized cineventriculography, radionuclide angiography and digitized M-mode echocardiography were used to assess left ventricular asynchrony in patients with coronary artery disease and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. However, these imaging modalities are time-consuming and require complicated off-line analysis. Tissue Doppler echocardiography (TDE) is a new ultrasound modality that is based on color Doppler principles and allows for quantification of myocardial wall motion velocity by detection of consecutive phase shifts of the ultrasound signal reflected from the myocardium. The Doppler signals are displayed as a color or pulsed Doppler image by rejecting low-amplitude echoes from the blood pool due to changes in thresholding and filtering algorithms. In addition, the ability to measure low velocity is improved in the TDE system so that the lowest measurable velocity is 0.2 cm/s, a velocity level associated with cardiac tissue motion (Table 1). Due to its high temporal and spatial resolution, TDE provides valuable information on regional myocardial wall motion during different intervals of the cardiac cycle. In healthy subjects, patients with coronary artery disease and patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, tissue Doppler echocardiography was used to assess myocardial synchrony/asynchrony on a 2-fold temporal and spatial analysis. Peak myocardial velocities in different myocardial regions were detected during rapid ejection, isovolumic relaxation, rapid filling and atrial contraction (Figure 1). In the apical view, during the isovolumic relaxation time (IVRT) healthy subjects showed slow, synchronous outward motion of the septum and the lateral wall with homogeneous color-encoding (blue/green, Figure 2). Analysis of peak velocities revealed low, negative velocities in both the septum and the lateral wall (Figure 3). In patients with a significant luminal narrowing of the LAD myocardial asynchrony was detected during the isovolumic relaxation period: while the septum was moving inwards (red color-encoding with low, positive velocities), the lateral wall was moving outwards (blue/green encoding, low, negative velocities). A representative example of a patient with CAD is given in Figure 4. The M-mode analysis of the abnormally contracting interventricular septum reveals positive peak tissue velocities during the isovolumic relaxation period (Figure 5). In hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, TDE was able to detect an abnormal inward motion of the interventricular septum during IVRT and a delay in the onset of rapid filling (Figure 6). Thus, tissue Doppler echocardiography is a feasible method for the on-line detection of myocardial asynchrony. Sensitivity and specificity of the findings have to be explored in further, prospectively randomized trials.
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