The objective of the present report is to contribute data of the detection of a rare condition of acardius fetus. A 36 year-old patient was derived to this institution for a karyotype study in triple pregnancy with one of the fetuses with unconfirmed severe malformations. In a first study at 16.2 weeks was observed: Fetus I: BPD 33 mm, Femur 22 mm, FHR and FM (+). Fetus II: BPD 34 mm, Femur 21 mm, FHR and FM (+). Increased cardiac volume, body fluid accumulation, hepatosplenomegaly, increased caliber of intraheptic umbilical vein. Fetus III: BPD 19 mm, CRL 84 mm. rudimentary cephalic polo, with occipital cephalocle, cystic hygroma, hydrops, single chamber heart, rudimentary thorax and limbs. Placenta with increased thickness (39 mm). The presence of these data suggested diagnosis of Anceps Acardius fetus. Pulsed and color Doppler in the malformed fetus revealed: antegrade flow in the umbilical vein; retrograde flow in one of the umbilical arteries, pulsating antegrade flow in the other umbilical artery that showed small caliber and high resistance pattern. Chorion villus sampling presented karyotype 46 xx. At 26 weeks death of the pump twin, and as consequence the acardius was verified. At 28 weeks: ruptured membranes, Cesarean section obtains a 900gr live fetus which is sent to Intensive care unit. Fetus II pump of 390 gr. Fetus III Acardius 330 gr. Pathological anatomy of the acardius fetus: microcephaly with occipital cephalocele, single cavity heart, absence of kidneys and lungs. The diagnosis difficulties were present due to the existence of cephalic pole and to the presence of pulsating cardiac cavity in this case of anceps acardius. The visualization of a multiple pregnancy, with the presence of a fetus with pump signs, and the other fetus with the most severe malformations in the upper part of the body induced to make color Doppler with the purpose of observing arterial and vein umbilical flow, confirming the suspicion of TRAP sequence.