
e trace the venae comitantes beyond the bifurcation of the rachial artery until they join the superficial system at the ntecubital fossa. There is usually a communicating vein that onnects the superficial and deep venous systems.1 Gottlieb t al. have described the use of this profundus cubitalis vein o improve the venous drainage of a radial forearm flap.2 The utline of the flap and the course of the pedicle are marked on he arm. The skin paddle is dissected together with the pedicle radial artery and venae comitantes). When the dissection eaches the proximal aspect close to the end of the radial rtery the venae comitantes are traced towards the antecubital ossa until they join the superficial system (Figs. 1 and 2). his technique helps to achieve a single large calibre vein that educes vessel mismatch and makes the anastomosis easier ithout having to resort to the dissection of a separate vein, uch as the cephalic vein.

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