I offer logicam the of following William of corrections Sherwood of (Paris, the text B.N. of Lat. the 16.617) Introductiones given by in logicam of William of Sherwood (Paris, B.N. Lat. 16.617) given by Martin Grabmann in Sitzungsberichte der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften , Jahrgang 1937, Heft 10. Although the great majority of these are fairly trivial, there are several which ought to be considered in further study of this work. In my list the pages and lines refer to Grabmann's edition. In the case of substitutions the variations are given, for ease of comparison, in two parallel columns. In the case of additions and omissions the original is given, rather paradoxically, as a variant of the Grabmann text and these are then noted in one column only. Additions over the line (s.l.) and in the margin (i.m.) are so indicated. These were incorporated with no such indication into Grabmann's text. No attempt is made here to distinguish the different hands. Errors noted by Kretzmann (translation, introduction and notes, Minnesota, 1966) are indicated by ť(K)' In fairness to him one must point out that he limited himself to remarking on variants of major importance. It is clear, however, that he does not take into account several readings which would have rendered superfluous certain interpolations and paraphrases in his translation and some suggested emendations in the received text.
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