UDC 535.52:66.045 Processing of solutions and suspensions that yields a dry end product is a promising application of rotor film-type evaporators (RFEs), which make it possible to replace periodic multistage processes with continuous combined processes. In view of this, it is a very urgent matter to study the heat exchange during deep concentration of solutions and suspensions. As shown by many studies, heat exchange in RFEs is complex and is determined by both the hydrodynamic conditions in the evaporator and the properties of the product being processed, the design features and rotation frequency of the rotor, and the heat flux density, Despite the complexity of the process, numerous attempts have been made to obtain an equation to describe it. In studies [1, 2] on heat exchange in an articulated-rotor RFE during evaporation of toluene, water, ethyl alcohol, and sugar syrup Dieter concluded that the heat-transfer coefficient does not depend on the spraying density and the heat flux density and increases with the rotation frequency of the rotor. The data reported by different authors for articulated-rotor evaporators are very contradictory. In [3] Marchenko obtained a criterial dependence by generalizing experimental data on vaporization of water, but it takes no account of the influence of the rotation frequency of the rotor on the heat-transfer coefficient. In [4] Kibrik established a relation between the heat-transfer coefficient and the design features of the rotor. In a study of convective heating and evaporation of distilled water, glycerin solutions, and solutions of S-150 additive in benzine in an articulated-rotor RFE [5] Golova obtained criterial equations, which in our opinion take insufficient account of the influence of the design features of the rotor, since the only the influence of the number of rotors was considered. Shevchuk [6] investigated how the heat transfer is affected by a large number of factors: the flow rate of the liquid, the physicochemieal properties of the products studied (distilled water, aqueous solutions of glycerin and esters of unsaturated higher fatty acids), the rotation frequency of the rotor, the direction of the specific heat flux (during convective heat exchange), the instantaneous length of the evaporator, and the design features of the rotor. The studies were carried out in glass and metal evaporators. After analyzing the hydrodynamic and heat-exchange laws by using a semi-empirical theory of turbulent transfer, Nikitin and Fedorov [7] obtained computational relations for determining the heat-transfer coefficient in the RFE heating zone during processing of pseudoplastic solutions. In our opinion, they did not take sufficient account of the influence that the rotor design features and the variation of the non-Newtonian liquids have in the process of solvent removal. The first attempt to study heat exchange during concentration of NaCI and NaNO 3 solutions to obtain a dry product in a RFE with rigidly fastened blades was made by Lysenko [8]. The average heat-transfer coefficient was found to increase with the heat flux. It is difficult to agree with that conclusion, when the physics of the process and the relation obtained are considered. The heat exchange in a RFE during concentration of azo dyes (they were obtained in dry form) was studied by Nagieva [9]. Arbitrarily dividing the RFE with a combined rotor (with hinged blades at the top and rigid blades at the bottom) into three zones (a zone of heating and onset of evaporation of the initial product, a zone of intensive evaporation, and a drying zone), she obtained criterial relations for each zone and for each product studied. It should be noted that the rotor design features and the non-Newtonian properties of the suspension in the second zone are not taken into account in those relations.
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