The site population analysis of iron atoms in Fe3Si alloys wtih D03 superlattice structure was performed in the 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy for crushed and annealed powder specimens with silicon concentrations of 23.3 at% and 25.5 at%. The obtained Mössbauer spectra were analyzed as superpositions of at least three six-line components. Relative intensity for each component has been analyzed using thin foil approximation. The atomic configuration, the relative number of iron atoms of the component and, therefore, the short-range-order parameter were determined from the values of hyperfine field and relative intensity for each component.In order to determine the long-range-order parameters of the alloys, the procedure having two steps was performed: At first, the perfectly ordered D03 lattice of 25 at%Si was constructed by computer simulation, and then atoms were replaced randomly to reach any desired value of the alloy concentration and of the degree of order. By comparing the simulation with the result of Mössbauer experiment, the long-range-order parameters, S(D03) and S(B2), were determined. The values agreed well with those obtained by the powder X-ray diffraction technique.
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