A landfill-derived contaminant plume with a maximum width of ∼600 m, a length of ∼700 m and a maximum depth of 20 m in an unconfined sand aquifer was delineated by means of a monitoring network that includes standpipe piezometers, multilevel point-samplers and bundle-piezometers. The extent of detectable contamination caused by the landfill, which began operation in 1940 and which became inactive in 1976, was determined from the distributions of chloride, sulfate and electrical conductance in the sand aquifer, all of which have levels in the leachate that are greatly above those in uncontaminated groundwater. The maximum temperature of groundwater in the zone of contamination beneath the landfill is 12°C, which is 4–5°C above background. The thermal plume in the aquifer extends ∼150 m downgradient from the centre of the landfill. A slight transient water-table mound exists beneath the landfill in the late spring and summer in response to snowmelt and heavy rainfall. Beneath the landfill, the zone of leachate contamination extends to the bottom of the aquifer, apparently because of transient downward components of hydraulic gradient caused by the water-table mound and possibly because of the higher density and lower viscosity of the contaminated water. Values of hydraulic conductivity, which show variations due to local heterogeneity, were obtained from slug tests of piezometers, from pumping tests and from laboratory tests. Because of the inherent uncertainty in the aquifer parameter values, the 38-yr. frontal position of the plume calculated using the Darcy equation with the assumption of plug flow can differ from the observed frontal position by many hundreds of metres, although the use of mean parameter values produces a close agreement. The width of the plume is large relative to the width of the landfill and can be accounted for primarily by variable periods of lateral east- and westward flow caused by changes in water-table configuration due to the variable nature of recharge. Northward from the landfill, the vertical thickness of the plume decreases and the top of the plume is farther below the water table. The thickness of the zone of uncontaminated groundwater above the plume increases northward as the area of recharge of uncontaminated water downflow from the landfill increases. Because dispersion in the vertical direction is weak, there is very little mixing between the overlying zone of recharge water and the contaminant plume. Concentration profiles are irregular beneath and near the landfill and become smooth downgradient where the maximum concentrations are much less than those beneath landfill. These features are attributed to a strong influence of longitudinal dispersion. The plume passes beneath a small shallow stream near the landfill without significant influence on the stream.
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