Due to Moore's law, it is that predicted the channel length of a metal-oxide-semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET) will tend to shrink from the submicron to the nanoscale size. Thus, precision in the manufacturing process has become crucial. This study describes the virtual fabrication as well as the electrical characteristics of a 14nm NMOS double gate with a bilayer graphene/high-K/metal gate. In this device, Hafnium Dioxide (HfO2) is employed as a high-k material, and Tungsten Silicide (WSix) is used as a metal gate. Several Silvaco TCAD Tools, including ATHENA and ATLAS, were utilized in the fabrication and simulation of the device, respectively. According to the simulation results, the optimal threshold voltage (VTH), drive current (ION), and leakage current (IOFF) and subthreshold slope (SS) values are 0.2059 V, 797.5650 μA/μm. 29.5794 nA/μm, and 89.1712x10-3 V respectively. The findings of this research showed that the efficiency of this 14nm double gate n-type MOSFET device is satisfactory because the threshold voltage and leakage current parameters are in accordance with ITRS 2013, and that it may have been utilized as a utility man in future modelling and optimization efforts.
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