Septoria tritici blotch is a major disease that limits wheat yields globally. This study aimed to identify Septoria-resistant bread wheat genotypes for use in future breeding and variety development programs. A total of 49 genotypes were evaluated in the first year and 60 in the second year, selected from an international nursery and evaluated during the 2016–2018 cropping seasons. The experiments were conducted in both research and farmers' fields during the 2018/19 and 2019/20 cropping seasons. The trial used an alpha lattice design with three replications. Data on yield and related traits were analyzed using SAS version 9.3 software. The results indicated significant (P < 0.01) variation among the genotypes for all phenotypic traits measured at Holetta over the two years. Similarly, significant differences (P < 0.01) were observed at Weliso for all traits except for Septoria disease severity, thousand kernel weight, and grain yield. Across the two locations, the highest grain yield recorded was 5.4 t/ha, while the lowest was 1.8t/ha. Therefore, the study findings indicated that some genotypes showed the best performance and a good opportunity to incorporate a variety of development of wheat breeding programs.
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