The primary achievement of the symplectic model is to give a realistic microscopic shell-model expression of the nuclear collective model. However, in applications of the model, one has to contend with the fact that its Hilbert spaces, like those of the shell model, are infinite dimensional. This means that truncation of the model Hilbert space to a finite-dimensional subspace is inevitable. Nevertheless, it is in principle possible to get results to any desired accuracy if a sequence of increasingly large, but finite-dimensional subspaces of the full Hilbert space can be determined so that truncation to the subspaces of the sequence leads to rapidly convergent results. We show in this paper that generator coordinate (also called coherent state) bases can be constructed and optimized to give extraordinarily rapid convergence. This makes it possible to perform accurate symplectic model calculations with realistic microscopic Hamiltonians by a method that is essentially an angular-momentum projected, multi-determinant, Hartree–Fock calculation for which powerful but highly practical methods, that make a minimal use of group theory, have been developed. It is shown that the techniques developed give a natural representation of the intrinsic states of rotational bands as beta- and/or gamma-vibrational wave functions. The techniques are illustrated by computation of beta-vibrational wave functions for the ground-state and one-phonon excited rotational bands of 8Be for a microscopic Hamiltonian with a Brink–Boeker two-body interaction.