Introduction. Alloys of iron and manganese (ferroalloys) are traditionally used in metallurgy in the production of steel and various types of cast iron. One of the largest ferroalloy enterprises in Europe operates in Ukraine — the Nikopol Ferroalloy Plant, which produces more than 11% of the world volume of ferroalloys and employs more than 7,500 workers. Industrial production and use of ferroalloys contribute to the entry of their components into the production environment and affect the health of workers. It is known that asthenia, disorders of nervous system and cases of bronchial asthma were registered in workers engaged in ferromanganese melting. There are few data on the effect of ferrosilicomanganese on the human organism. Therefore, the study of the peculiarities of the toxic effect of ferroalloy powders — ferromanganese and ferrosilicomanganese on the organism is a relevant issue for occupational hygiene and industrial toxicology. Aim. Investigation of the peculiarities of the toxic effect of ferromanganese and ferrosilicomanganese powders on the body of rats after a single intratracheal administration during dynamic observation. Materials and Мethods. The experiment was performed on male Wistar rats with an initial body weight of 160–180 g. Suspensions of ferromanganese and ferrosilicomanganese powders in distilled water were administered once into the trachea of animals anesthetized with sodium thiopental at a dose of 50 mg of powder (1/100 LD50) per kg of rat body weight. Control rats were similarly administered 1 ml of distilled water. After administration (in one week, one month and three months), the content of iron, manganese and silicon in the blood of control and experimental rats was determined using the method of atomic emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma with the Optima 2100 DV device. Biochemical parameters were determined in all groups of rats (activity of ALT, AST, ALP enzymes; glucose, uric acid, total cholesterol, triglycerides, iron content, serum total iron-binding capacity (TIBC) and percentage of serum iron saturation (TfS), indicators of non-specific natural immunity (phagocytic and bactericidal activity of blood neutrophils, the level of circulating immune complexes (CICs)). Statistical analysis of the data was performed using Microsoft Excel 2007. Results. A single administration of a suspension of ferroalloy powders into the trachea of rats led to an increase in the content of Fe and Mn in the blood, in particular of the Fe content after the administration of ferromanganese and ferrosilicomanganese at all observation periods, while an increase in the level of Mn was detected after one month. The content of Si in the blood of rats of both experimental groups during the experiment was at the level of control values. It was established that an increase in the Fe content in the blood of experimental rats caused disruptions in its metabolism (a decrease in blood TIBC and an increase in the TfS percentage). 3 months after the administration of the powders, an increase in the activity of enzymes (ALT, AST, and ALP) was determined in the blood serum of both experimental groups of rats, as well as an increase in the content of uric acid, which may indicate damage to liver cells and the development of the inflammatory process. With the administration of both ferroalloys, a decrease in the phagocytic function of blood neutrophils and an increase in the formation of reactive oxygen species, an increase in the levels of low- and high-molecular weight CICs in the blood serum, especially one month after the administration, were determined, which indicates the activation of the humoral link of non-specific natural immunity against the background of a violation of the phagocytosis process. Conclusion. The established changes in biochemical and immunological indicators testify to the existing toxic effect on the body of ferromanganese and ferrosilicomanganese powders after their single administration into the trachea, and are caused by an increase in the content of Fe and Mn in the blood of experimental rats. The most pronounced changes were detected one month after the administration of both powders. More adverse effects on the body of experimental rats were caused by ferromanganese powder, the particles of which were smaller. Keywords: ferromanganese, ferrosilicomanganese, ultra disperse particles, toxicity.
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