Thehighprevalenceof UTIs amongDM patients, whichattributetovarious impairmentsintheimmunesystem (lowurinaryconcentrationof interleukin -8andinterleukin -6,lowerurinaryleucocytecellcount). Inaddition, poormetaboliccontrolandincompletebladderemptyingdueto autonomicneuropathymayall contributetotheenhancedriskof UTIsinthesepatientsDM isassociatedwithUTIs throughitseffectonthehostimmunesystem .Therefore detect the incidence of bacterial UTIs in controlled and uncontrolled DM patients in Sana'a City- Yemen, Determine the suitable antibioticssusceptibilityagainstbacterial UTIsin controlledanduncontrolledDMpatients, ExploretherelationshipbetweenbacterialUTIs and the main risk factorsin controlledanduncontrolledDMpatients. In this cross- sectional study , urine sample were collected from 225 participants fromProf. Mohammed Bamashmous Internal Medicine,Republication Authorized Teaching, Al-Olaqi Specialized Laboratories and Baghdad Laboratories The sample was processed by physical, chemical and microscopic examination andcultured in CLED agar, Maconky agar and blood agar, afterincubation the sample in 370C aerobicallywas proceed by Gram stain and biochemical test . Amongthe225 analyzed samples, 49 (21.8%) were showing sterile urine samples, while 9 (4.0%) showed mixed growth of bacteria possibly due to improper collection of the sample.The remaining 122 (54.2%) samples were positive(significant)with colony count 105CFU|ml, 34 (15.1%)ware positive(suspected) with colony count 103-104 CFU\ml , 11(4.9%)ware non-significant withcolonycount-less than102for The number of subjects withUTI was clearlyhigher intheuncontrolled glycemic group (𝑛 =158, 89.8%) incomparisontothecontrolledglycemic group (𝑛 =18, 10.2%).Ourresults showedthatT2DM was moreprevalent (145,78.7%)thanT1DM (39,17.3%)and GDM (9,4%) in uncontrolled DM than controlled DM .The women’s show high spread of UTIs than men especially in uncontrolled DM than controlled DMthis was significant < 0.05 .The prevalence and the distribution of Gram- negative more than Gram-positive bacteria isolated from the clinical samples for both controlled and uncontrolled glycemia groups. E.coli (77,49.4%) was the dominant and significant in UTIs <0.01 The high prevalence of UTI confirms that uncontrolled DM is significantly associated with more UTIand regulation of glucose helped to reducing the complications and urinary tract infection. Diabetic patients especially uncontrolled women, are recommended to subuit mid-streamurinespecimens at regular intervals for cultureand routine investigations even the absence of any urinary tract symptoms
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