Piper excelsum (kawakawa) has a history of therapeutic use by Māori in Aotearoa New Zealand. It is currently widely consumed as a beverage and included as an ingredient in "functional" food product. Leaves contain compounds that are also found in a wide range of other spices, foods, and medicinal plants. This study investigates the human metabolism and excretion of kawakawa leaf chemicals. Six healthy male volunteers in one study (Bioavailability of Kawakawa Tea metabolites in human volunteers [BOKA-T]) and 30 volunteers (15 male and 15 female) in a second study (Impact of acute Kawakawa Tea ingestion on postprandial glucose metabolism in healthy human volunteers [TOAST]) consume a hot water infusion of dried kawakawa leaves (kawakawa tea [KT]). Untargeted Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analyses of urine samples from BOKA-T identified 26 urinary metabolites that are significantly associated with KT consumption, confirmed by the analysis of samples from the independent TOAST study. Seven of the 26 metabolites are also detected in plasma. Thirteen of the 26 urinary compounds are provisionally identified as metabolites of specific compounds in KT, eight metabolites are identified as being derived from specific compounds in KT but without resolution of chemical structure, and five are of unknown origin. Several kawakawa compounds that are also widely found in other plants are bioavailable and are modified by phase 1 and 2 metabolism.
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