AbstractThe Weather Research and Forecasting mesoscale model coupled to a multilayer urban canopy parameterization was used to evaluate the evolution of a 3-day heat wave in New York City, New York, during the summer of 2010. Results from three simulations with different degrees of urban modeling complexity and one with an absence of urban surfaces are compared with observations. To improve the city morphology representation, building information was assimilated and the land cover land-use classification was modified. The thermal and drag effects of buildings represented in the multilayer urban canopy model improve simulations over urban regions, giving better estimates of the surface temperature and wind speed. The accuracy of the simulation is further assessed against more simplified urban parameterizations models. The nighttime excessive cooling shown by the Building Energy Parameterization is compensated for when the Building Energy Model is activated. The turbulent kinetic energy is vertically distributed when using the multilayer scheme with a maximum at the average building height, whereas turbulence production is confined to a few meters above the surface when using the simplified scheme. Evidence for the existence of horizontal roll vortices is presented, and the impact that the horizontal resolution and the time step value have on their formation is assessed.
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