The modeling of fluid flow in heterogeneous, anisotropic and fractured porous media is relevant in many applications, including hydrocarbon and groundwater extraction, dispersion of contaminants, hydrogen or carbon dioxide (CO2) storage. Thus, accurate and scalable simulation of fluid flow through these formations continues to be a great challenge. The presence of fractures that are explicitly modeled, ranging from flow barriers to highly conductive channels, significantly increases the complexity of the numerical simulation. The Embedded Discrete Fracture Model (EDFM) produces results that can be as accurate as those obtained using equidimensional Discrete Fracture Models (DFM) at a much lower computational cost for highly conductive fractures, but it is not adequate for impermeable barriers. In contrast, the pEDFM (projection-based Embedded Discrete Fracture Model) produces accurate results for both, channels and barriers by using additional matrix-fracture connectivities. In its current versions, it is restricted to cartesian and corner-point grid geometries and to the classical Two Point Flux Approximation (TPFA) scheme. In this work, for the first time, the pEDFM is extended to handle unstructured tetrahedral meshes (pEDFM-U). In addition, interface fluxes are approximated by using the Multipoint Flux Approximation method with a Diamond stencil (MPFA-D). This allows for simulation of highly heterogeneous and anisotropic geo-models. The developed method is robust and can deal with full permeability tensors on arbitrary tetrahedral meshes. The advective terms are discretized considering an implicit First Order Upwind (FOU) method. Our method is implemented within the DARSim (Delft Advanced Reservoir Simulation) open-source simulator framework. Through several test cases, the proposed method showed to be robust and capable to accurately capture the effects of both high and low permeability fractures for general tetrahedral meshes, under arbitrary heterogeneous and anisotropic permeability tensors for the rock matrix.
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