GNITION of a solid propellant is a complex process that involves initial attainment of a thermally unstable state, growth of chemical reaction, appearance of a visible flame, and spreading of the flame over the exposed surface of the propellant. The initial unstable state usually is reached by the application of energy from an external source. The nature of that state then depends on the rate of energy supply, time of exposure, the ambient conditions, and the chemical reactions responsible for ignition. Experimental studies (Refs. 1 and 2 include reviews of such studies) aimed at a detailed knowledge of the ignition of propellants based on NH4C104 have differed mainly in the means of energy supply. The principal means employed have been: 1) conductive heat transfer from an electrically heated wire in contact with the sample3?4; 2) conductive and convective heat transfer from a hot atmosphere68; 3) absorption of radiant energy911; and, 4) heat release resulting from reaction of the sample or vapors resulting from degradation of the sample with a chemically reactive atmosphere in contact with the sample. The experimental conditions of these studies have differed considerably, particularly in the rate of energy supply, and in the pressure, composition, temperature, and chemical reactivity of the atmosphere in contact with the propellant. The conclusions drawn from these studies also have differed: ignition has been attributed to heat release within the propellant,3'9 to attack of the binder by the decomposition products of NH 4C104,12 and to unidentified vapor phase reactions. 10>n The multiplicity of conclusions regarding the reactions responsible for ignition is not surprising in view of the chemical complexity of composite propellants based on NH 4C104. The propellant may contain, besides NH4C104, an organic binder, a burning rate catalyst, and powdered aluminum. In such mixtures the possible reactions are many. The NH4C104, itself, is unstable at moderate temperatures and can decompose with the evolution of heat and chemically reactive gases, and its decomposition is affected by burningrate catalysts such as copper chromite. The NH4C104 also can dissociate13 to NH 3 and HC104, the latter a reactive,
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